Press Release: Stream of Dust Kicks off ‘City Contemporary Dance Festival 2023’ with Unique Performance and Audience Space
The critically acclaimed opening performance, Stream of Dust, featured an exquisite stage and unique audience experience crafted and curated by Sang Jijia and 45 other performers led by him. Its roaring success in the first week has kicked off the 9-day ‘CCDF 2023’ on an exhilarating note

Dance Dramaturgy Talk is now open for registration (Completed)
Co-organised by International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong), the Dance Dramaturgy Talk will be held on 12 November under the theme of ‘Dramaturgical Practice in Various Contexts’. 4 speakers will share their experiences with audience members. The Talk is free of charge and is now open for public registration.

Press Release: Join the ‘CCDF 2023’ this November, Featuring 18 Local and East Asian Choreographies and Exchange Activities
Presented by City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC), the ‘City Contemporary Dance Festival’ (‘CCDF 2023’), will present a series of captivating dance performances and cultural exchange activities in November, treating local and overseas audiences and artistic peers to an unparalleled sensory feast, while exploring the new frontiers of contemporary dance.

Become a Festival Volunteer at the ‘CCDF 2023’
‘City Contemporary Dance Festival 2023’ is now open for volunteer application. Seize this opportunity if you would like to work in the performing arts and arts administration field!
Deadline of Application: 13.10.2023 (Fri)

Tickets now available
‘City Contemporary Dance Festival 2023’ will be held from 11th to 19th November 2023. Tickets now available at CCDC, CCDF websites and URBTIX.
‘Festival Pass’ guarantees you a seat in all festival events from 17th to 19th November, including Stream of Dust, ‘HOTPOT East Asia Dance Platform’ and exclusive activities.