Me, a Man is a multimedia dance video installation by local dance artist Hui Ka-chun. Inspired by Albert Camus’ philosophical essay The Myth of Sisyphus, the installation includes a series of digital self-portraits that document Hui’s thoughts on society and identity and reflect on our search for reason and meaning within the confines of daily routines and the absurdity of life and the world.

Artist Statement:

To create is the only way I can to express my emotions and understand the world.

The direction and ideas in my creative work mainly revolve around the expression of my emotions and thoughts to do with myself or social issues; and through observation, analysis, deconstruction, collage, and the use of various mediums or forms, I present my fantasy world in reality.

As a dance artist whose main medium is the body, I often think about how body/movement can be represented through video and I am exploring how to change the audience experience for video works.

Creative Team

Creation: HUI Ka-chun@Artizens_Production


Littlebreath Dojo “wan lung gyun” residency project (22/3/2021 – 26/6/2021)

Co-presented by